Hi all, 'tis J here. Firstly, for those of you who may like the length and depth of some of my previous posts, then I'm sorry to say that this is likely to disappoint. However, as I'm sure that most who read this blog will, like the readers of most other blogs, probably enjoy posts with greater brevity, as C quite rightly pointed out, then this should do. So, whilst I will continue to post more in-depth and pseudo-intellectual/pretentious entries with large word counts, I am also going to endeavour to make short posts more regularly. Secondly, sorry for the awful pun in the post’s title. XD
Soooo... Ah yes, Steven Moffat. He's great. He co-wrote some of the Tennant (or rather "Ten-inch" hehe) era Dr. Who, is the main writer for Smith's series and now his modern realisation of Sherlock Holmes has at last been unveiled in the first chapter of a tripartite mini-series. Having been raised on the classic Conan Doyle tales and some of the older (and quite good) TV series, I was very much looking forward to a new interpretation. I had very much enjoyed the recent film, but I did feel that, whilst in many aspects it did actually stay truthful to the original stories, it was very... Hollywood (but I do so love Robert Downey Jnr. <3).
Anyway, I really liked how Moffat handled the plot, despite leaving one mystery unsolved, though it may be revealed, who knows *shrug*. I especially liked the way he handled this mysterious character, who I actually managed to guess the identity of initially but then Moffat fooled me and made me think it was sumone else, but then at the end I realised I was right initially just before he revealed him to be who I originally thought it was... *gasp*! I think fans of classic Holmes may love it, because in all honesty it's a pretty good portrayal of the original in a modern setting, though some may just get pissed with the modernism. It did seem that my father, an avid fan of the original stories, took the change of context badly, though he did approve of the portrayals of both Holmes and Watson, and in all honesty I feel he was simply miffed that he kept predicting the outcomes wrongly HAHA.
Non-readers may lose out in some respect, as I really enjoyed seeing and figuring out which Conan Doyle idea Moffat brought in next, but perhaps the bit that made me giggle most was the little mistaken homo-affectionate converse between Watson and Holmes in the restaurant. Anyways, any British reader out there who didn’t watch it is definitely recommended to go and watch it on iPlayer soon! And make sure to catch the next two parts *nod*.
Also, C is going to be away in Egypt for a week. I’m sure we all hope he has a lovely time XD
Anyway, later guys
J xxx
Sherlock Holmes has been a bit of a literary hero of mine. Holmes' keen observation and deductive reasoning has always fascinated me.
ReplyDeleteSo, I am quite pleased with Moffat's updated, yet faithful, portrayal of the main characters. The highly functioning sociopath bit was perfect, as well as the mistaken innuendo that Dr. Watson is Holmes' date/boyfriend was deliciously done. And during this Dr. Who and Torchwood hiatus, it's nice to have another series to follow at the weekend, even if it is only just a miniseries.
Yeah, it is a pity that it's so short and, in my opinion, that the episodes are so far apart >_> haha yeah "you're a psychopath!"
ReplyDelete"high functioning sociopath, god get it right"
was definitely the quote of the episode! XD