Haha, I do love my Wilde quotes!
I find myself in an unconventional and sort of uncomfortable situation, and its due both to my laziness and the ever so uncanny timing of mother nature to throw a hissy fit. You see, I live on a small island isolated from normal civilisation (I'll post some pictures of this in future) and the only method of transport available for me to get to mainland Britain - where myself, M and C attend boarding school - is by plane. And even though the tiny sixteen seater's that would normally carry me on this voyage fly well bellow the level at which the volcanic ash (from an eruption in Iceland for those who haven't heard) initially lingered, we residents of this forsaken isle were unable to depart as all the airports in Britain were closed for business. Now, a lot of people in this position i.e. facing the prospect of a few extra days holiday, would not be complaining. However, as you may have been able to tell due to my tone and use of the phrase "forsaken isle", I'm not the biggest fan of my home. It's not that I don't like it at all, its just that three weeks there, with pretty much nothing to do (it's not the world's most exciting holiday destination), can become quite grating. I also enjoy school quite a bit, so yeah XD But this awkward situation arrises from the fact that, over the past three weeks I've meant to have been undergoing an intense regime of revision. Unfortunately, due to my lethargic nature and tendency to procrastinate, it's been more like an idle stroll through the various syllabuses as opposed to vigorous note taking and essay writing. If I were to return to school today like the majority of my colleagues, I'd be condemned to a frantic Sunday evening rush of waffling through a few essays, and then the damnation of facing teachers tomorrow who are expecting substantial progress to have been made on the revision front. Instead, it looks like I have until around Wednesday to actually get some work done, yet I'm stuck at home were I'm hardly forced to work, and what's more the weather has just decided to become beautiful! But I must persevere... some higher being has given me this opportunity as a test of my resolve, no doubt, and so I must prove myself... It's going to hurt, but I have to do it... Oh God...
(image belongs to t-chest.co.uk :D)
I'm sharing the same promblem, don't worry.
ReplyDeletewell...the essay part mostly.
My love for english school work smudged out by the beautiful weather, a mindless video game that i put little to far to much effort into playing, ambitiontly writing a non-school related fanfiction and studying things for personal plesure.
Forgeting the fact i have a music exam and a non-finished english essay to hand in tommorow, and with my minds reluctance to admit it being the lsat day of teh holiday, i'm wondering how much i get done.......
I know it's painful, but count yourself lucky you have gotten yourself some extra time...^ ^'
J would like to point out that he is doing A-levels, not GCSE's :p Only joking, we do indeed share the same frustrating problem, though i guess your (folklore?) fan fiction is probably more involving than my short story ideas, although studying things for personal pleasure does occupy a lot of my time. One of the reasons I wish I was going back is because I think I'd be more likely to get work done, even if I was going to get bolluxed for not doing it already. Good luck with your music exam by the way *nods*
I'm not planning on doing very well actually ;_; i'm just happy it doasnt effect my grade, just my taget.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, i find being in school helps my concerntraion -looks to my right out my window and see's woodland in beautiful weather-.....>_>''
I usually resort to staying in the library after school. At least it's quite then. (the library is very loud)
Go frolic in the woods! You know you want to! Go take some lovely photos XD And the library at your school is loud? How odd XD
ReplyDelete(that was again from J, oops XD)
ReplyDeleteGood influence. Still, i'll pass. After writing some of it, this essay soulndt take to long (the usual A* student brag towards 3 week project)
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, it is. Quite alot of people talk tin there, mostly people with no lives, pis around on the computers. I'm a librarian there, i should know.
If i had more power, i would get rid of some of the computers. But unfortunatly i am unable to do so.
....! <3
whats the library like at CH?
We have three: the normal library, the Dominions library which is connected to the normal one, and then the history library (also known as the BEST PLACE EVER!) *ahem*. The library has a few small computer rooms usually filled with people with no lives, though the actual library itself is usually has a few seniors revising in it. The Dominions is meant for seniors, and is where a lot of people go to doss prep, though you do get sad juniors going there to play on the computers. Then the history library is... well... AMAZING XXX
ReplyDeleteI would hope to see this history library oO
ReplyDeleteYou're a photographer arent you? Atleast in your scant free-time?
Would you mind taking some pictures of it for me when you get there?
ReplyDeleteLol Okay! Haha, sure thing ;)
ReplyDeletethank you