...doesn't have an auto-attack button.
So I recently bought, and by recently I mean a while ago, Final Fantasy XIII.
In my unjustified excitement I even offered an extra £10 to the faceless, nameless bag of meat that served me so that I might upgrade my version of said Fantasy, to the special edition. With this I received some pretty art cards, a sticker, a selection of soundtracks from the game, an art book (which was merely some poorly taken screenshots from the game), and the game itself. I won’t give a full review here, you can go to http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1569-Final-Fantasy-XIII if you’d like to hear what the game itself is like. Instead I will tell you how much I adore Final Fantasy games, and how much the latest iteration has rammed it’s shiny, HD, linear
I had a weekend to play this, and in the euphoria that comes with purchasing something I don’t need, I played it with rampant enthusiam. Forgiving its glaring flaws, much like a horny teen the first time he sees his girlfriend undress, I persevered, because in both cases it's better than thumb twiddling. In less than three days I played over 24 hours of the game,(don’t look at me like that), enough to get to the supposedly ‘good’ part of the game. You can tell her to keep the dress on, my thumbs are more interesting.
To be fair this game did hold my attention for a whole, literal, day. So it wasn't a complete waste of money. I can only hope that Square Enix keep to their promise and make the next Final Fantasy a role playing GAME again (note the capitals), instead of a drawn out cinematic with brief button-pressing intermissions.
EDIT: This is the first (maybe second, including X) time that I've had to truly anti-recommend a FF game, and honestly, it's because it's the least compelling game I've ever played in my entire life. I shit you not, I sat through the whole first Spiderman Movie Game in a single sitting, and yet after I was killed by a robot reminiscent of Bulbasaur a couple of times, I couldn't bring myself to play this game ever again, and that was 5 weeks ago! You'd think that a game that looks this incredibly beautiful would draw you in at least for a third sitting (I played it twice, getting about 12 hours in), but herein lies true proof that looks mean fuck all when it comes to games (I'm gonna eat that soon enough, I'm sure). To be frank, I enjoyed the collector's items vastly more than I did the 12 dredging hours of game I played, so maybe it's a good thing I paid the £10 extra to boost above the normal edition (pretty much the most beautiful testicular cancer you've ever seen... in a box), because I actually got something out of it: stickers I can put on shit! Now that's what I call clever marketing, Square!
Bulbasaur : 1 - 0 : C(onsumer)
Regards, and sorry for hijacking your post M!
My sister came to the same conclusion after 20 minutes, yet continued playing for a further 2 hours due to my insistence that it gets better. I myself am only about 3 hours in. Its not that I have wanted to play it, I just haven't had enough time to give it due attention. Yes, it has massive flaws, but I think maybe it was a good direction to take, even if its not one to take again. I'd compare it to Shadow of the Colossus. It is stunning, and it is essentially an interactive story which simply requires you to beat the shit out of weird and wonderful creatures and people throughout. It is of course a masterpiece for one singular reason, which you dear friend have pointed out in that lovely picture... *squee*
Dear C, just because you couldn't get past that particular boss doesn't mean the game was rubbish. In fact, up until that point I remember you quite enjoying it. So there :p
ah yes, the robot reminiscent of Bulbasaur. I remember having much fun dubbing over that fight....many a time as C attempted ¬_¬ I mean, the game is quite good. A resonable story, but i find that Square seem to forget that, although people want long games, you know, a few weeks of gameplay, CAN be good, but isnt when it's simply linear. You may just watch a movie, i mean sure you can fight without dieing, but there's effort in that.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest though, it was the lack of the fanfare that hit me hardest......;_; i had to resort to playing it on guitar to cure my disapointment.
Long games non-linear, playable, and maybe alittle time wasting.
Long linaer repetitions of blinding ear ...ehhh...no
....scenery prn*
ReplyDelete"To be honest though, it was the lack of the fanfare that hit me hardest......;_; i had to resort to playing it on guitar to cure my disapointment." Whoever you are, I like you XD
Oh, a quick scan of the internet gives me clues to your identity! Did you thank C for plugging your deviant art I wonder?